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Project API Keys

Within a Project’s API tab, you will find your project’s unique API key. This key allows you to utilize the ZEBEDEE API; to learn how, check out our Project Entities guide.

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | API Tab

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | API Tab

  1. Copy API Key

  2. Regenerate API key

If you ever suspect that your API Key is compromised, regenerate it immediately.


Regenerating an API Key will disable the previous API Key for the Project.

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Regenerate API Key

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Regenerate API Key

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Regenerate API Key

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Regenerate API Key

  1. Set Allowable IPs

Within the API Tab of the Developer Dashboard, you can specify which IP Addresses can access your API key(s). API calls originating from IP addresses not explicitly listed by you will be rejected. This is a great step to increase your integration’s security.

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Allowed IPs

ZEBEDEE Developer Dashboard | Allowed IPs