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Project Wallets

If you don't have a Project yet, create one!

The Wallet tab of your Project displays your wallet balance, transaction count, and transaction history.

  • Wallet balance: The amount of Bitcoin you hold in this wallet
  • Transaction count: The number of transactions you have made in the past 30 days
  • Transaction history: The record of all transactions made from this Project wallet

Each Project wallet is a distinct and fully-enabled Bitcoin Lightning wallet, meaning you can facilitate payments into and out of this wallet to interact with the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Any payments made using this Project’s API key will debit this Project wallet. You can easily transfer funds from one project wallet to another.


Project wallets are distinct from your Developer wallet. Your developer wallet is associated with your profile, while project wallets are generated whenever you create a new project.

Your Developer wallet is akin to a central management account and the project wallet as being an individual app account.

Fund a Project Wallet by:

  1. Creating a Charge via API and paying it; or
  2. Transferring funds from another Project or your Developer wallet (via UI or API)